Oktoberfest First Ever Alcohol-Free beer Garden

Alcohol-Free beer Garden

Munich is going to open its first ever alcohol-free beer garden for Oktoberfest that means they will not serve alcoholic drinks. in hope that this will reduce binge drinking and crime in the city center Munich.

There will be a new place, called Die Null (The Zero), which will only sell drinks without alcohol. It’s located in Karl-Stützel-Platz, an area which is known for problems like drugs and crime.

This will be a good news for Local restaurant owners nearby. As they were unhappy and they complained in an interview that rowdy locals and tourists arrive on trains and drink too much, taking advantage of Munich’s reputation as a place for beer lovers.

first ever alcohol-free beer garden

Its One of the best step of Munich’s city government, They wants to change the area by promoting the new alcohol-free spot as a central part of community life.

One local restaurant owner, Florian Schönhofer, said, “It’s not fun anymore; it’s quite unpleasant. We don’t want to push anyone away, but we want to take back public spaces.”

He also admitted they might lose customers because of these changes.For more than 500 years, Bavaria has had a law that limits beer ingredients to barley, hops, and water.

This law will only affect places that brew their own alcohol-free beer.In Germany, alcohol consumption has dropped a lot. More people are choosing drinks without alcohol because they’re healthier.Recent data shows that average alcohol consumption per person in Germany has gone down by 14.5% over the last decade.

alcohol free drinks

In the UK, nearly half of adults drink alcohol at least once a week, according to a study from 2022.Even though this number has gone down a bit since 2011, the latest data from the UK Office for National Statistics shows the highest number of alcohol-related deaths.

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People who live in Munich’s city center are happy about these changes.

Germany recently became the first European country to make using cannabis legal.

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